This weekend I realized that my hair had gotten frightfully long and I needed a trim. My hair grows so slowly that I only ever need it cut three or four times a year, usually when I suddenly notice how long it is. I normally have a medium length bob and I've been debating whether to have bangs or not for about six months, so I just decided to go for it and try them out for the spring/summer. I haven't had bangs since elementary school and I'll try to dig up a picture or two to scan and share. In the mean time, what do you think?

Anyone else like watching
Doctor Who? What do you think of the new Doctor? I'm reserving my opinion until the next week's episode, which looks like the new companion Amelia Pond will be spending the hour doing an impersonation of Arthur Dent (ie. wondering around the universe in a robe and pyjamas). But so far, it looks like the Eleventh Doctor is modelled after the Fifth Doctor, my favourite Doctor.
Since it's now April, the new theme for Cinema Tuesdays shall be How-To movies. So check back tomorrow for the origins of Mad Men!
Sweater: thrifted
Skirt: vintage
Scarf: vintage
Belt: thrifted
Tights: H&M
Shoes: Jeffrey Campbell
Over the past month or so
Lily and the Muse has been posting a lot of stop motion short films. I love stop motion shorts and the first one that I ever saw as a child was
Neighbours made by Norman McLaren in 1952 and it won an Oscar. Norman McLaren was an experimental animator and film maker who worked for the National Film Board of Canada. I saw a retrospective of his work at the Film Festival a couple of years ago and it was lovely to actually see his films on the big screen instead of the television, but if you type in his name on YouTube, you can spend several happy hours marvelling at his sheer inventiveness.
Like the new haircut! Looks great.
I adore your new cut, it suits your wonderfully and will be so light and breezy come the looming warmer months!
You look gorgeous as always, my dear (especially dig those vividly hued tights!).
Wishing you a marvellous day!!
♥ Jessica
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